GRE Big Book [PDF] by ETS :
GRE Big Book is one highly recommended book for preparation. This book is a compilation of 27 real test papers along with answer keys. ETS had released this book and that makes GRE Big Book the official document for GRE tests practice. There are no other tests in this book prepared solely for the purpose of practice, nor is there any explanation of concepts and strategies or list of formulae. GRE Big Book is just a collection of genuine test papers. This book is not printed any more.
The most significant feature of GRE Big Book is that it was released by ETS. ETS itself conducts and administers the GRE and consequently the GRE Big Book is the most reliable source for preparation. It does not contain tests which were prepared for mere practice but those which were actually administered in the GRE. There is no other such book available which contains the original tests. With such a large number of actual questions available in the GRE Big Book, there is seldom a need for any other GRE practice material. Moreover when you have such a source at hand which contains the true tests then all other sources seem unauthentic. The GRE Big Book consequently becomes a must for those who are appearing for GRE. Many students claim to have benefited by using this book, to the extent that some of the questions were actually repeated in their test! ETS carries out a number of researches before making any sort of change in their paper format, question type, difficulty level etc. It is not easy to change the question pattern for GRE; a lot of research goes into it. This means that a large portion of the GRE Big Book still remains worthwhile. The GRE Big Book is considerably useful for vocabulary. This is because of the fact that the difficulty of vocabulary was a lot more when the papers in the GRE.
The GRE Big Book is now out of print. This can be a huge trouble for some. It is not available off the shelf and you will have to work hard to obtain a copy. Most likely you will get a book which is already used. Endeavour to look for a piece in which the answers are not marked, as someone might prefer to have done for reference. Try to buy a hard copy of the GRE Big Book from some seller on ebay, amazon or other such sites. It is better to obtain a GRE Big Book soft copy for the ease with which you can study from it.
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