Monday, April 29, 2013

Manhattan GRE Advanced Wordlist 500

By Revised GRE on 1:51 AM

Manhattan GRE Advanced GRE Wordlist 500



abaseDegrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, or esteem
abeyanceTemporary suspension, inactivity
abreastSide-by-side. The more common "abreast of" means keeping up with, staying aware of, or remaining equal in progress with.
abscissionCutting off; sudden termination; the separation of leaves, petals, or other parts from a plant or animal
abscondDepart suddenly and secretively
abyssA deep and vast space or cavity; anything profound or infinite
accedeAgree, give consent; assume power (usually as "accede to")
accretionGradual increase; an added part or addition
acerbicSour; harsh or severe
acidulousSlightly acid or sour; sharp or caustic
acumenKeen, quick, accurate insight or judgment
adulterateMake impure by adding inappropriate or inferior ingredients
adumbrateGive a rough outline of; foreshadow; reveal only partially; obscure
aerieDwelling or fortress built on a high place; the nest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or hawk, built on a mountain or cliff
albeitAlthough, even though
aloofDistant physically or emotionally; reserved; indifferent
amalgamateBlend, merge, or unite
ameliorateImprove; make better or more bearable
amortizeGradually pay off a debt, or gradually write off an asset
anachronismSomething that is not in its correct historical time; a mistake in chronology, such as by assigning a person or event to the wrong time period
analgesiaPain relief; inability to feel pain
annulMake void or null, cancel, abolish (usually of laws or other established rules)
anodyneMedicine that relieves pain (noun); soothing, relieving pain (adj)
antedateBe older than, precede in time; assign to an earlier date
antitheticalDirectly opposed, opposite; involving antithesis (the rhetorical act of placing two phrases opposite one another for contrast, as in love me or hate me)
apostatePerson who deserts a party, cause, religion, etc.
apostlePioneer of a reform movement (originally, an early follower of Jesus)
appositeHighly appropriate, suitable, or relevant
appriseInform, give notice to
approbationPraise or approval, especially formal approval
appropriateSet aside or authorize (such as money) for a particular purpose; take for one's own use
arbiterJudge, umpire, person empowered to decide matters at hand
ardentVery passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic
arrogateClaim or take presumptuously or without the right to do so
ascribeAssign or credit to a certain cause or source
asepticFree from germs
asperityRigor, severity; harshness or sharpness of tone; roughness of surface
aspersionsDamaging remarks, defamation, slander
assailAttack violently, assault
assiduousPersevering, diligent, constant
attenuateWeaken or thin out
attunedIn harmony; in sympathetic relationship
auguryTelling the future, such as through supernatural means
augustVenerable, majestic; inspiring admiration
avariceInsatiable greed; a miserly desire to hoard wealth
axiomSelf-evident truth requiring no proof; universally or generally accepted principle
balloonSwell or puff out; increase rapidly
banalLacking freshness and originality; clichรฉ
baneSomething that ruins or spoils
bayingHowling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf
beneficentDoing good
bentPersonal inclination or tendency
besiegeAttack, overwhelm, crowd in on or surround
bevyGroup of birds or other animals that stay close together; any large group
bifurcateTo fork into two branches or divide into two halves
bilkCheat or defraud
blightDisease that kills plants rapidly, or any cause of decay or destruction (noun); ruin or cause to wither (verb)
blitheJoyous, merry; excessively carefree (so as to ignore more important concerns)
bombastic(Of speech or writing) far too showy or dramatic than is appropriate; pretentious
bonhomieFriendliness, open and simple good heartedness
brandishShake, wave, or flourish, as a weapon
brookSuffer or tolerate
bucolicPertaining to shepherds; suggesting a peaceful and pleasant view of rural life
burnishPolish, make smooth and lustrous
calumnyMalicious lie intended to hurt someone's reputation; the act of telling such lies
canardRumor, a false or baseless story
cardinalChief, most important
catholicUniversal, broad-minded
chicaneryTrickery, deception by knowingly false arguments
circumscribeStrictly limit a role, range of activity, or area; in math, to be constructed around so as to touch as many points as possible
circumspectCautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences
clamberClimb awkwardly or with difficulty, scramble
cloyingDisgustingly or distastefully sweet
coagulateCause a liquid to become solid or semisolid
codaFinal part of a musical composition; an ending, esp. one that sums up what has come before
cofferChest for storing valuables; financial resources, a treasury
colludeConspire; cooperate for illegal or fraudulent purposes
compendiumConcise but complete summary; a list or collection
complaisantEager to please; cheerfully complying
confoundConfuse, frustrate; mix up or make worse
connoteSuggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning
contrariesThings that are opposing; either of two opposite things
contriteRemorseful; feeling sorry for one's offenses or sins
contumaciousRebellious; stubbornly disobedient
convokeCall together, as to a meeting
cossetTreat as a pet, pamper
coterieClose or exclusive group, clique
cupidityGreed, great or excessive desire
curmudgeonBad-tempered, difficult person; grouch
declaimSpeak in an impassioned, pompous, or oratorical manner; give a formal speech
declivityDownward slope
delimitFix, mark, or define the boundaries of
demagogueA leader who lies and gains power by arousing the passions and especially prejudices of the people
demurShow reluctance or object, especially for moral reasons
desultoryLacking consistency or order, disconnected, sporadic; going off topic
diaphanousVery sheer, fine, translucent
dichotomyDivision into two parts or into two contradictory groups
dictumFormal or authoritative pronouncement; saying or proverb
diffidentLacking confidence, shy
diffuseSpread widely, disseminate (verb); dispersed, widely spread out, or wordy and going off-topic (adj)
dilateTo become wider or make wider, cause to expand; to speak or write at length, elaborate upon
dilatorySlow, late; procrastinating or stalling for time
dilettantePerson who takes up an art or activity for amusement only or in a superficial way
dirgeA funeral or mourning song or poem
discomfitingDisconcerting, confusing, frustrating
discordantHarsh or inharmonious in sound; disagreeing, incongruous
discreteSeparate, distinct, detached, existing as individual parts
disparageBelittle, put down; bring shame upon, discredit
disparateDistinct, different
dissembleMislead, conceal the truth, put on a false appearance of
dissolutionDissolving, the state of having been dissolved; breaking bonds or breaking up of a group of people; death, disintegration; sinking into extreme hedonism, vice, and degradation
distaffFemale, esp. relating to the maternal side of the family; women or women's work; a staff that holds wool or flax for spinning
distendSwell, expand, stretch, bloat
ditherAct indecisively (verb); a state of fear or trembling excitement
diurnalOccurring every day; happening in the daytime (rather than at night)
doctrinairePerson who applies doctrine in an impractical or rigid and close-minded way (noun); merely theoretical, impractical, or fanatical about other people accepting one's ideas (adj)
doffTake off (such as clothes), put aside; remove one's hat as a gesture
dovetailJoin or fit together
drollFunny in an odd way
dupePerson who is easily fooled or used (noun); to fool or exploit (verb)
duplicityDeceit, double-dealing, acting in two different ways for the purpose of deception
dyspepticGrumpy, pessimistic, irritable; suffering from dyspepsia (indigestion)
ebullientVery enthusiastic, lively, excited; bubbling as though being boiled
echelonA level, rank or grade; the people at that level
edifyUplift, enlighten, instruct or improve in a spiritual or moral way
effigyRepresentation or image of a person, esp. a crude facsimile used to mock a hated person
effronteryShameless boldness
egressAn exit or the action of exiting
elegySong or poem of sorrow, esp. for a deceased person
emaciateMake abnormally thin, cause to physically waste away
encomiumWarm, glowing praise, esp. a formal expression of praise
endemicNative, local; natural, specific to, or confined to a particular place
engenderProduce, give rise to, cause to exist; procreate
epicurePerson with cultivated, refined tastes, esp. in food and wine
equanimityComposure, evenness of mind; mental or emotional stability, esp. under stress
equivocateUse unclear language to deceive or avoid committing to a position
ersatzArtificial, synthetic; being an inferior substitute
erstwhileFormer, previous (adj); in the past, formerly (adv)
ethosThe character, personality, or moral values specific to a person, group, time period, etc.
euphemismSubstitution of a mild, inoffensive, or indirect expression for one that is considered offensive or too direct
euphonyPleasing or sweet sound, especially as formed by a harmonious use of words
exigentRequiring immediate attention, action, or aid; excessively demanding
exonerateClear from blame or accusation; free from a responsibility
expedientSuitable, proper; effective, often at the expense of ethics or other considerations
expurgateCensor; remove objectionable or offensive parts
extemporaneousDone without preparation (esp. of a speech), or with some preparation but no notes; improvised, done on the spur of the moment
factionGroup or clique within a larger organization; party strife and dissension
fallowLeft unplanted (of land); not in use
fastidiousExcessively particular, difficult to please; painstaking, meticulous, requiring excessive attention to detail
fatuousFoolish, silly, esp. in a smug or complacent manner
fawnShow affection or try to please in the manner of a dog; try to win favor through flattery and submissive behavior
fecundFruitful, fertile; capable of abundantly producing offspring, vegetation, or creative or intellectual work
felicitousAdmirably appropriate, very well-suited for the occasion; pleasant, fortunate, marked by happiness
fervidVery hot; heated in passion or enthusiasm
fetidStinking; having an offensive smell
fledglingA young bird that has just recently gotten its feathers, an inexperienced person (noun); new or inexperienced (adj)
floridReddish or rosy; flowery, showy, or excessively fancy
floutTreat with disdain, contempt, or scorn (usually of rules)
flukeStroke of luck, something accidentally successful
forageWander in search of; rummage, hunt, make a raid
fordPlace where a river or similar body of water is shallow enough to walk or ride a vehicle across (noun); to cross at such a place (verb)
forestallDelay, hinder, prevent by taking action beforehand
fortuitousHappening by chance; lucky
fracasNoisy disturbance or fight; brawl
fractiousUnruly, troublemaking; irritable
freneticWildly excited, frantic, distracted
fulminateExplode, detonate; attack verbally in a vehement, thunderous way
furtiveDone secretly; stealthy, sly, shifty
gambolFrolic; skip or leap playfully
garnerGather and store; amass, collect
gestationPregnancy; the period from conception until birth of an animal or (metaphorically) of an idea or plan
glacialPertaining to glaciers; cold, icy, slow, unsympathetic
glowerStare in an angry, sullen way
goadUrge on (as cattle) with a pointed or electrically charged stick; spur on, stimulate, encourage
gougeScooping or digging tool, like a chisel, or a hole made with such a tool (noun); cut or scoop out; force out a person's eye with one's thumb; swindle, extort money from (verb)
graftInsert part of a plant into another plant, where it continues to grow; join living tissue (such as skin) to part of the body where it will continue to live and grow; attach as if by grafting (verb); the part so grafted (as in a graft of skin); the act of acquiring money or other benefits through illegal means, esp. by abusing one's power (noun)
grandiloquentRelating to lofty speech, esp. to the point of being pompous, overblown, bombastic
grandstandPerform showily in an attempt to impress onlookers
gratingIrritating; harsh or discordant (of a noise); scraping
grievousCausing grief or suffering; very serious, grave; flagrant, outrageous
grouseComplain or grumble (verb); a reason for complaint (noun)
grovelCreep or crawl with one's face to the ground, prostrate oneself as a token of subservience, degrade or abase oneself
halcyonCalm and peaceful, carefree; prosperous, successful, happy
hallmarkA mark indicating quality, purity, genuineness, etc.; any distinguishing characteristic
hand-wringingGrasping, squeezing, etc. of the hands as an expression of nervousness, guilt, etc.; extend debate over what to do about an issue
haplessUnlucky, unfortunate
harangueLong, intense verbal attack, esp. when delivered publicly
harrowFarming tool that breaks up soil (noun); painfully disturb or distress (verb)
hedgeAvoid commitment by leaving provisions for withdrawal or changing one's mind; protect a bet by also betting on the other side
hegemonyDomination, authority; influence by one country over others socially, culturally, economically, etc.
hermeticAirtight, sealed, isolated; reclusive; pertaining to alchemy, occult
hewStrike, chop, or hack (as with an axe, sword. etc.); make or shape something (such as a statue) with a cutting tool
hoaryVery old, gray or white as from old age
homageHonor or respect demonstrated publicly
hoodwinkTrick, deceive
hotlyIn an intense, fiery, or heated way
husbandManage prudently, sparingly, or economically; conserve
iconoclastAttacker of cherished beliefs or institutions
idolatryIdol worship; excessive or unthinking devotion or adoration
idyllicPresenting a positive, peaceful view of rural life (as poetry or prose); pleasant in a natural, simple way
ignobleNot noble; having mean, base, low motives; low quality
imbuePermeate or saturate, as dye in a fabric; influence throughout
impassePosition or road from which there is no escape; deadlock
impassiveNot having or not showing physical feeling or emotion
impecuniousPoor, without money
imperiousCommanding, domineering; acting like a high-ranking person; urgent
impermeableImpassable, not allowing passage through (such as by a liquid)
imperturbableCalm, not able to be upset or agitated
imperviousImpenetrable, not able to be harmed or emotionally disturbed
impetuousPassionately impulsive, marked by sudden, hasty emotion; forceful, violent
impiousNot religious, lacking reverence, ungodly
implacableNot able to be appeased, calmed, or satisfied
imprecationCurse; prayer for harm to come to someone
impugnAttack the truth or integrity of
imputeCredit, attribute; lay blame or responsibility for (sometimes falsely)
incarnadineBlood red or flesh-colored
inconstancyFickleness, unreliability; the state of changing without good reason
inculcateTeach persistently, implant (an idea) in a person
indefatigableUntiring, not able to become fatigued
indigenceExtreme poverty
indolentLazy, slothful
inertInactive; having little or no power to move
inexorableRelentless, unyielding; not moved by pleading
infallibleIncapable of error; certain
ingrateUngrateful person
ingratiateMake an effort to gain favor with
inimicalHostile, adverse, harmful
iniquityInjustice, wickedness, sin
inordinateExcessive, not within proper limits, unrestrained
inquestLegal or judicial inquiry, especially before a jury and especially made by a coroner into the cause of someone's death; the results of such an inquiry
insensibleIncapable of feeling; unconscious, unaware
insinuateHint, suggest slyly; introduce (an idea) into someone's mind in a subtle, artful way
insipidDull, stale, lacking taste or interest
insularPertaining to an island; detached, standing alone; narrow-minded, provincial
insurrectionRebellion or revolt against a government or similarly established authority
interBury (a dead body) or place in a tomb
interplayInteraction, reciprocal relationship or influence
interregnumA time in between two reigns or regimes during which there is no ruler; a period during which government does not function; any period of freedom from authority or break or interruption in a series
intransigentRefusing to compromise, inflexible, having extreme attitudes
inundateFlood, cover with water, overwhelm
inureToughen up; accustom or habituate to pain, hardship, etc.
invectiveViolent denunciation; accusations, insults, or verbal abuse
inveigleEntice, lure; get something by flattery, cleverness, or offering incentives
investitureInvesting; formally giving someone a right or title
invidiousHateful, offensive, injurious
irascibleIrritable, easily angered
irresoluteWavering, not sure how to proceed, not firm in one's decision-making
itinerantTraveling from place to place, esp. as part of a job
itineraryTravel schedule; detailed plan for a journey
jettisonDiscard, cast off; throw items overboard in order to lighten a ship in an emergency
jingoismExcessive, loud patriotism and aggressive, warlike foreign policy
juxtaposePlace side by side (either physically or in a metaphorical way, such as to make a comparison)
kindleIgnite, cause to begin burning; incite, arouse, inflame
kineticPertaining to motion
knellThe sound made by a bell for a funeral, or any sad sound or signal of a failure, death, ending, etc. (noun); to make such a sound (verb)
lachrymoseTearful, mournful
largess or largesseGenerosity, the giving of money or gifts (esp. with the implication that the giver is a bit superior to the recipient)
latentPotential; existing but not visible or active
laudableWorthy of praise
laxNot strict; careless, loose, slack
leerySuspicious or wary
legerdemainSlight-of-hand (magic as performed by a magician); trickery or deception
lethargicLazy, drowsy, or sluggish
licentiousSexually unrestrained; immoral; ignoring the rules
limpidClear, transparent; completely calm
lionizeTreat like a celebrity
lissomeFlexible, supple, agile
listlessSpiritless, lacking interest or energy
lividFuriously angry, enraged
lugubriousMournful, gloomy (sometimes in an exaggerated way)
lumberWalk in a heavy or clumsy way, sometimes due to being weighed down
luminousShining, radiant, well-lit; brilliant or enlightening
luridGruesome or excessively vivid; sensational, shocking, unrestrained
machination or machinationsCrafty schemes or plots
maelstromViolent whirlpool; any chaotic, turbulent situation
magnanimousHigh-minded, noble, lofty; generous in forgiving others, free of resentment
magnateVery important or influential person, esp. in business
maledictionA curse
malingerPretend to be sick, esp. to get out of work, duties, etc.
manifestObvious, apparent, perceptible to the eye (adj); to show, make clear, or prove (verb)
manneredHaving a particular manner, esp. an artificial one
marDamage, spoil, ruin
martinetPerson who adheres to rules extremely closely; strict disciplinarian
maudlinExcessively sentimental, showing sadness or some other emotion in a foolish or silly way
maximA general truth or fundamental principle, esp. expressed as a proverb or saying
mendicantBeggar, or religious follower who lives by begging
meretriciousAttractive in a vulgar or flashy way, tawdry; deceptive
metaphysicalConcerned with abstract thought, related to metaphysics (branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the nature of being and of the world); very subtle or abstruse
milieuEnvironment, atmosphere; the environmental setting in which something happens or develops
militateHave a great effect, weigh heavily (often as militate against)
miredStuck, entangled (in something, like a swamp or muddy area), soiled
mirthJollity, merriment; amusement or laughter
misanthrope or misanthropistHater of humankind
missiveLetter, written message
modicumA little bit or limited quantity
modishStylish, contemporary
moltShed or cast off, esp. to regularly shed skin, feathers, etc. (as a snake)
monasticRelating to or resembling a monastery (where monks or nuns live), esp. by being quiet, secluded, contemplative, strict, and/or lacking luxuries
moroseGloomy, sullen
multifariousDiverse, having a lot of variety
munificentGenerous, giving liberally
myopicNear-sighted; lacking long-term thinking, short-sighted
nadirLowest point
neologismNew word or phrase (or a new meaning applied to an existing word or phrase)
neophyteBeginner, novice; person newly converted to a religion
nettleIrritate, sting, or annoy
noisomeOffensive, disgusting; harmful
nominalTrivial, so small as to be unimportant; in name only, so-called
nontrivialImportant or big enough to matter
normativeImplying or attempting to establish a norm; expressing value judgments or telling people what to do (rather than merely describing that which is happening)
obdurateStubborn, hardhearted, hardened in wrongdoing
obliqueSlanting or sloping; indirect, misleading, or evasive
occludeStop up, close, shut in or shut off
opineExpress an opinion
opprobriumDisgrace and disapproval that result from outrageously shameful actions
orotundFull, rich, and clear (of the voice or speaking); pompous, bombastic
ossifyBecome bone or become hard like bone; become inflexible in attitudes, opinions, etc.
ostensible or ostensiveProfessed, evident, or pretended; outwardly appearing in a certain way
ostentatiousPretentious, boastful showiness
overwroughtOverly nervous, agitated, or excited; too ornate, elaborate, or fussy; overdone
palatialSuitable for or resembling a palace, magnificent
palliateMake less serious or severe; relieve symptoms of an illness
pallidAbnormally pale (as skin); lacking color or vitality
panacheFlair, style, swagger; a flamboyant or grand way of acting
panegyricFormal or lofty expression of praise
panoplySplendid, wide-ranging, impressive display or array
paragonModel of excellence, perfect example
parePeel or cut off the outer layer (such as peeling fruit with a knife), reduce or trim as if cutting off the outer parts
parleyDiscussion, negotiation, esp. between enemies (noun); to have such a discussion (verb)
parryDeflect or avoid (esp. a blow or attack); skillfully evade (a question)
pasticheMix of incongruous parts; artistic work imitating the work of other artists, often satirically
pathogenicCapable of producing disease
pedantPerson who pays excessive attention to book learning and rules, or who uses his or her learning to show off
peddleTravel around while selling; sell illegally; give out or disseminate
pejorativeDisparaging, derogatory, belittling (adj); a name or word that is disparaging (noun)
pellucidTransparent, translucent; clear, easy to understand
penitentRegretful, feeling remorse for one's sins or misdeeds (adj); a person who feels this way (noun)
penumbraOuter part of a shadow from an eclipse; any surrounding region, fringe, periphery; any area where something "sort of" exists
penuryExtreme poverty or scarcity
per seIntrinsically; by itself; in itself
peregrinateTravel from place to place, esp. on foot
perennialLasting through the years or indefinitely, enduring; recurring
perfunctoryDone superficially, without much care, or merely as routine
peripateticJourneying from place to place; traveling on foot
perniciousVery harmful or destructive, deadly
perspicaciousHaving penetrating insight or good discernment
phalanxFormation of soldiers carrying shields close together for defense; any very close group of people
philistinePerson deficient in or hostile to culture
phlegmaticApathetic, sluggish, not easily excited or made emotional
platitudeA shallow, overused statement; cliche
plebianOf the common people
plethoraExcess; excessive amount
pluckyBrave, spirited
plutocracyRule by the wealthy
polemicControversial argument, esp. one attacking a specific idea
politicShrewd, pragmatic; tactful or diplomatic
polyglotSpeaking or composed of many languages (of a person, book, etc.); a person who knows several languages
positPresume, suggest, put forward (an idea)
prattleTalk in an idle, simple-minded, meaningless, or foolish way; chatter, babble
precipitateCause to happen suddenly or prematurely; fling, plunge, or hurl down
predilectionPreference, tendency or favorability towards
prescientHaving foreknowledge or foresight, seeing the future
preternaturalSupernatural, exceptional
prevaricateStray from the truth, mislead, lie
primacyThe state of being first or most important
proclivityInclination, natural tendency
prolixExcessively long and wordy (of a person, piece of writing, etc.)
propagateReproduce, spread, increase
propensityNatural inclination or tendency
propheticRelating to prophesy, predicting, ominous
propitiateAttempt to reconcile with, satisfy, or reduce the animosity of (a person who is angry, offended, etc.)
propitiousFavorable, giving good signs for the future, likely to work out; kind or forgiving
providentialLucky, fortunate, or relating to divine care (the idea that a deity has helped or cared for a person)
proxyAgent, substitute, person authorized to act on behalf of another
prรฉcisConcise summary, abstract
puerileJuvenile, immature
pugilismboxing, fighting with the fists
puissancePower, might
pulchritudePhysical beauty
pungentHaving a sharp taste or smell; biting, stimulating, sharp
pusillanimousCowardly, timid
querulousGiven to complaining, grumbling
quiescentQuiet, still
quixoticExtremely impractical but very romantic, chivalrous, or idealistic; impulsive
raconteurWitty storyteller
rarefiedLofty, very high up or elevated (in a metaphorical way); exclusive, select; thin, pure, or less dense (as air at the top of a mountain)
reactantSomething that reacts; a substance that undergoes a change in a chemical reaction
recalcitrantNot obedient, resisting authority, hard to manage
recantWithdraw, retract, or disavow something one has previously said, esp. formally
recapitulateSummarize, repeat in a concise way
reconditeNot easily understood, hidden, dealing with an obscure topic
recrudescentRevival, breaking out into renewed activity
redoundTo have a good or bad effect, esp. as a result of a person's efforts or actions (usually used with to, on, or upon)
redressSetting something right after a misdeed, compensation or relief for injury or wrongdoing (noun); correct, set right, remedy (verb)
refractoryStubbornly disobedient, hard to manage
refulgentShining, radiant
rejoinderResponse or reply, esp. a witty comeback
rendTear violently, esp. to tear one's clothing or hair out of grief; pull apart, split, or tear away
repastA meal (noun); to eat or feast (verb)
repertorialPertaining to a repertory or repertoire, a stock of available things or a number of theatrical performances presented regularly or in sequence
reposeThe act or state of resting; peacefulness, tranquility; lying dead in a grave
reprobateDisreputable, unprincipled, or damned person (noun); shameless, depraved (adj)
resurgentHaving a revival, renewing, rising or surging again
revampRenovate, redo, revise (verb); a restructuring, upgrade, etc. (noun)
ribaldUsing or relating to obscene or vulgar humor
riddenDominated or burdened by
riftA gap or fissure (such as in rock), a break in friendly relations
rococoVery elaborate and ornate (in decorating or metaphorically, as in speech and writing); relating to a highly ornate style of art and architecture in 18th-century France
rueRegret, remorse (noun); to feel regret or remorse (verb)
ruminateTurn over in the mind, reflect on; chew cud (as a cow)
salientObvious, standing out; projecting, protruding, jutting out
sardonicScornfully or ironically mocking, cynically derisive
savantLearned person, scholar, someone admitted to membership in a scholarly field; a person with amazing mental abilities despite having a cognitive difference or disability
scintillaA tiny bit or trace
scurvyContemptible, mean
searchinglyIn a searching or penetrating manner; while examining closely or probing for answers
secreteProduce and release a substance from a cell or gland of the body for a functional purpose
seditionInciting rebellion against a government, esp. speech or writing that does this
semanticRelating to the different meanings of words or other symbols
seraphicLike an angel; serene, spiritually carried off or transported
shardFragment of some brittle substance, esp. a sharp fragment of pottery, glass, etc.
sinecureA job or position that pays while requiring little or no work
skittishShy, fickle, uncertain, or prone to act suddenly due to nervousness; lively in a restless or excessive way
slakeSatisfy (esp. thirst), cool, or refresh; make less active
sobriquetA nickname
solecismNonstandard use of grammar or words; mistake, esp. in etiquette
solidarityFellowship in interests, feelings, responsibilities, etc., such as among a group of people or among classes, nations, etc.
somaticOf the body
squalidDisgusting, filthy, foul, extremely neglected
squelchCrush, squash; suppress or silence; walk through ooze or in wet shoes, making a smacking or sucking sound
stasisEquilibrium, a state of balance or inactivity, esp. caused by equal but opposing forces
steepedImmersed (in), saturated (with)
stentorianVery loud and powerful (generally of a human voice)
stigmaMark of disgrace, a figurative stain or mark on someone's reputation
stintPeriod of time spent doing something, or a specific, limited amount of work (noun); to be frugal, to get by on little (verb)
stipulateSpecify; make an open demand, esp. as a condition of agreement
stratagemMilitary maneuver to deceive or surprise; crafty scheme
stratumOne of many layers (such as in a rock formation or in the classes of a society)
strutA structural support or brace
sublimeLofty or elevated, inspiring reverence or awe; excellent, majestic; complete, utter
subpoenaA court order requiring a person to appear in court and give testimony
sullyMake dirty, stain, tarnish, defile
supplantTake the place of, displace, especially through sneaky tactics
suppositionAssumption, hypothesis, something that has been supposed
surlyBad-tempered, hostile, unfriendly, or rude
surrogateSubstitute, person who acts for another (noun); acting as a replacement (adj)
sybaritePerson devoted to pleasure and luxury
symbiosisMutually dependent relationship between two organisms, people, groups, etc.
synopticRelating to a synopsis or summary; giving a general view
syntaxThe rules governing grammar and how words join to make sentences (or how words and symbols join in writing computer code), the study of these rules, or any system or orderly arrangement
tawdryGaudy, cheap or cheap-looking; indecent
tendentiousMarked by a strong point of view, biased
terrestrialRelating to the Earth or to land; worldly
terseConcise, brief and to the point (sometimes to the point of rudeness)
toadySomeone who flatters or acts in a servile manner for self-serving reasons
tokenSign, symbol, mark, badge; souvenir, memento; coin-like disk used as currency for subways, arcade games, etc.; sample, or person, thing, idea taken to represent an entire group (noun); of very little or merely symbolic value (adj)
tomeLarge or scholarly book; one of the volumes in a set of several books
tortuousTwisting, winding, complex; devious, not straightforward
transgressionViolation of a law, moral rule, order, etc.; sin
travestyExaggerated, debased, or grotesque imitation
treacherousBetraying trust, not faithful or trustworthy; not dependable; dangerous or deceptive
trenchantforceful or vigorous, effective, keen; caustic, sharp
truculentFierce, cruel, savage; belligerent
tumultuousRiotous, violently agitated, marked by disturbance or uproar; noisy, chaotic
turgidSwollen, inflated; or, metaphorically "inflated," such as in overblown, pompous speech
turpitudeDepravity, baseness of character, corrupt or depraved acts
umbrageOffense or annoyance (usually as take umbrage, meaning become offended or annoyed)
unconscionableNot guided by conscience; morally wrong, unjust, unreasonable
unsparingGenerous, lavish (as in not sparing any help or gifts to others); unmerciful, harsh (as in not sparing any criticism)
untemperedNot toned down; not moderated, controlled, or counterbalanced
upbraidFind fault with, criticize or scold severely
usuryCharging interest on a loan, esp. charging illegally high or excessive interest
vanguardLeading units at the front of an army; leaders in a trend or movement, people on the "cutting edge"; the forefront of a trend or movement
variegatedVaried in color, having multicolored patches or spots; diverse
verdantGreen, such as with vegetation, plants, grass, etc.; young and inexperienced
verisimilarHaving the appearance of truth, probable
vernalRelating to the spring; fresh, youthful
vestigeTrace or sign of something that once existed
vexannoy or bother; puzzle or distress
viaThrough, by means of, by way of (by a route that goes through or touches)
vicissitudeChanges or variations over time, esp. regular changes from one thing to another
vimPep, enthusiasm, vitality, lively spirit
virulentExtremely infectious, poisonous, etc.; hateful, bitterly hostile
viscid or viscousThick, adhesive, or covered in something sticky
vitriolSomething highly caustic, such as criticism (literally, one of a number of chemicals including sulfuric acid)
vociferousNoisily crying out, as in protest
volubleEasily fluent in regards to speech
wanUnnaturally pale, or showing some other indication of sickness, unhappiness, etc.; weak, lacking forcefulness
wantonReckless, vicious, without regard for what is right; unjustifiable, deliberately done for no reason at all; sexually unrestrained or excessively luxurious
welterConfused mass or pile, jumble; confusion or turmoil (noun); roll around, wallow, toss about, writhe (verb)
whetStimulate, make keen or eager (esp. of an appetite)
whitewashA substance used to whiten walls, wood, etc. (noun); deception, covering up of wrongs, errors, misdeeds, etc. (verb)
winnowSift, analyze critically, separate the useful part from the worthless part
winsomeCharming, engaging, esp. in a sweet and innocent way
wizenedWithered, shriveled
xenophobiaFear or hatred of foreigners or that which is foreign
yokeA burden or something that oppresses; a frame for attaching animals (such as oxen) to each other and to a plow or other equipment to be pulled, or a bar across a person's shoulders to help carry buckets of water, etc. (noun); to unite together or to burden (verb)